Australia’s Global Ties

Australia – It’s not just a great place to come for A Holiday… It’s also a FANTASTIC place to do business…

Here’s Why:

Australia has an open and globally integrated economy, making it a trusted partner for trade and investment.

Nine of the top 10 Fortune Global 500 and eight of the top 10 Forbes Global 2000 companies have operations in Australia.

International companies can tap into Australia’s deep business and cultural ties with Asia to expand into or enter global value chains across the region. Australia’s free trade agreements facilitate the smooth flow of goods, services and investments with major economies across the globe.

Australia has an open trading economy where:

  • 10 of the country’s top 12 export markets are within Asia and Oceania
  • two-way trade in goods and services totalled A$763 billion in 2017
  • foreign investment stock totalled around A$3.6 trillion
  • inward foreign direct investment stock reached A$849 billion in 2017.

Charts from the Benchmark Report
The Australia Benchmark Report provides rich data demontstrating why there is no better place than Australia to do business. The report examines five key investing in Australia – Robust Economy, Dynamic Industries, Innovation and Skills, Global Ties and Strong Foundations – and compares Australia’s credentials with other countries.

Charts can be downloaded and saved as images for use in reports and presentations. (when using please reference


The Great Barrier Reef is regarded as the world’s largest living organism, and is often listed as one the Seven Wonders of the World.


Australia’s Innovation and Skills

Australia – It’s not just a great place to come for A Holiday… It’s also a FANTASTIC place to do business…

Here’s Why:

Education, innovation and science underpin Australia’s economic prosperity and job creation.

Australia’s highly educated, multilingual and multicultural workforce has an entrepreneurial spirit. The country has world-leading capabilities in blockchain and quantum computing, and its robust startup ecosystem has strong competencies in agtech, edtech, fintech, foodtech and medtech.

The country is:

  • ranked 5th in the world for global entrepreneurship, with almost half of all Australian firms active in innovation
  • involved in cutting-edge research, contributing to over 4% of world research publications in 2017 despite having only 0.3% of the world’s population
  • a highly skilled nation, where over 40% of the workforce has a tertiary qualification
  • culturally diverse and multilingual, where 28% of the population was born overseas and 3.2 million Australians speak an Asian language and 1.4 million speak a European language.

Australia’s intellectual capital, commercial focus and collaborative approach make it an ideal partner for business and investment activities.

Charts from the Benchmark Report.

The Australia Benchmark Report provides five key reasons for investing in Australia – Robust Economy, Dynamic Industries, Innovation and Skills, Global Ties and Strong Foundations – and compares Australia’s credentials with other countries.

Charts can be downloaded and saved as images for use in reports and presentations (when using please reference


Australia was the second country in the world to grant women the right to vote; this occurred in 1894.
